Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Shariah laws are not inhuman!!!

 Opinion Maker

By Mushtaq Sethi

Posted on 30. Oct, 2012 by in Faith and Religion

In General: The Shariah law and punishments were embodied in Quran when it was revealed upon Prophet Mohammad through the angel Gabriel, some 1400 years ago.
Prior to the advent of Islam, the period in history is known as "The Dark Ages." Times when a girl's birth was considered a matter of wailing! As if someone had died…They were inhumanly, buried alive at the time of birth by the idol worshipers. Incest was at its peak and women were treated as chattels, changing hands like a slave. There was no respect for their modesty or protection.
Islam brought about the change, gave protection to women, made the men folks respect them and declared the birth of a daughter an equall blessing as that of a son. Infidelity, prostitution and rape which were rampant then were abhorred, prohibited by Islam and considered to be sinful for many reasons; a few which included health , hygiene, danger of spread of STD and question of bad morality etc.
In fact Islam laid the foundation of a civil society. Now in order to control these uncivilized and uncultured ways strict measures as laws and punishments were needed and thus shariah laws suited perfectly well, proving extremely affective to the extent that today Islam is the second largest religion of the world having over 1.5 billion faithful followers.
If it was so repulsive and inhuman do you feel it would have grown in such numbers? Even today in this day and age it is the fastest growing religion in the world, almost every month thousands of people of other faiths or non-believer are converting and accepting Islam…can you tell me why ?. No you wouldn’t be able to because you are from those people who have personally not read the Holy Scripture of the Muslims, the Quran. You are possibly out of those people who are the victim of the media propaganda, made to create a wedge between each faith to sell their own product. It is a undeniable reality that the largest numbers of conversions have taken place amongst the US and other EU countries and that to without the enforcement of the shariah laws and that too from modern and liberated countries.
Islamic democracy is not the carbon copy of whats practiced in the West; here no rules can be framed that go contrary to the Islamic injunctions. Basically its a scholastic debate to determine if a law being framed falls within the Islamic puriew or not.  Islamic parliament is primarily a consultative body where majority does not count but the righteous do. A presidential form of government is much closer to Islamic polity but it does not allow dictatorial powers to the person at the top. However, thanks to the so-called champs of the free world that they cannot tolerate political Islam for it challenges their capitalisitc ideology. Islam wants to spend on people and not lock the money in Central of Federal Reserves while the people suffer.  Islamic Shariah protects the weak and the oppressed muchto the dislike of people in power. It is precisely for this reason that the mighty and the powerful resent Islam. Shariah in fact empowers the women or the other down trodden people in the society where even the non-Muslims get extra protection of the state.
The suicide bombing: Suicide is Haram (Prohibited and sinful) committed in any manner. Having said that allow me to clarify the misconception that a suicide attack (also known as suicide bombing, homicide bombing, or "kamikaze") was not invented by the Muslim's.
Historically, the Bible Book of Judges recounts the story of the Jewish hero Samson and how he killed himself by bringing down the temple of the Philistines in order to kill three thousand Philistines.
In the late 17th century, Qing official Yu Yonghe recorded that injured Dutch soldiers fighting against Koxinga's forces for control of Taiwan in 1661 would use gunpowder to blow up both themselves and their opponents rather than be taken prisoner. However, the Chinese observer may have well confused such suicidal tactics with the standard Dutch military practice of undermining and blowing up positions recently overrun by the enemy which almost cost Koxinga his life during the siege. During the Belgian Revolution, Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbor of Antwerp to prevent being captured by the Belgians. In the 18th century John Paul Jones wrote about Ottoman sailors setting their own ships on fire and ramming the ships of their enemies, although they knew this meant certain death for them.
Modern suicide bombing as a political tool can be traced back to the assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia in 1881. Alexander fell victim to a Nihilist plot. While driving on one of the central streets of Saint Petersburg, near the Winter Palace, he was mortally wounded by the explosion of hand-made grenades and died a few hours afterwards. The Tsar was killed by a member of Narodnaya Volya, Ignacy Hryniewiecki, who died while intentionally exploding the bomb during the attack.
Rudolf Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff intended to assassinate Adolf Hitler by suicide bomb in 1943, but was unable to complete the attack.During the Battle for Berlin the Luftwaffe flew Selbstopfereinsatz against Soviet bridges over the Oder river. These missions were flown by pilots of the Leonidas Squadron under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Heiner Lange. From 17 April until 20 April 1945, using any aircraft that were available, the Luftwaffe claimed that the squadron destroyed 17 bridges, however the military historian Antony Beevor when writing about the incident thinks that this was exaggerated and that only the railway bridge at Küstrin was definitely destroyed. He comments that "thirty-five pilots and aircraft was a high price to pay for such a limited and temporary success". The missions were called off when the Soviet ground forces reached the vicinity of the squadron's airbase at Jüterbog.
Following World War II, Viet Minh "death volunteers" fought against the French Colonial Forces by using a long stick-like explosive to destroy French tanks.
Coming back to the topic there are a couple of Islamic country’s which implement Shariah laws as a standalone and that to for good reasons. Otherwise the rest of the Muslim states are governed by the normal Penal Codes with the provision of the Shariah law and court set-up separately for those crimes and complaints, depending on the nature of the violation. Very clearly no court of law has or does pass death sentence in infidelity case (Not sure about Saudi). For instance since most marriages take place under the Shariah law their annulation’s accordingly sought by the partners under the same law or in case of a murderer to be pardoned a system or law known as qiyas or Diyat (Forgiveness by the heirs for reasons and settlements best decided between the grieved and the aggrieved).Mind you to the best of my knowledge no court of law in Pan-Islamic countries has yet handed out that stoning to death punishment during these times.
As regards to the conditions enshrined in the Shariah about proving rape it was made stringent so that women of those dark age period wouldn’t be able to take unjust advantage and use the rape charge as a pretext to blackmail or take revenge from any male, she had a bone to pick with. Keep in mind there were no DNA testing facilities in those days. Today rape cases when lodged are investigated on the same modern scientific procedures and tried and punished according to the modern laws. Not Shariah in nearly all Muslim country except. Saudi Arabia, since it is the holy land with the house of Allah the Khan-e-Kaaba being located there and its sanctity is to be maintained. Thus the strictness of law of Shariah, acts as a successful deterrent. For better and good control of crime and sinful immoral acts.
To conclude, I would add that the sharia law was most appropriate in dark and grave era to bring about a controlled civil law and order and to bring about a change to civilize the illiterate idolaters. Though some of the laws in it may sound inhumane or harsh in this modern day and age like execution carried through means of beheading by sword (Islamic),but let us not forget that the French and European had similar method of carrying out executions too, with the apparatus called the Guillotine. Now they have been replaced by other painless invented tools such as Lethal injection or electric chair etc.
The truth is that is that these laws even to the extent of a comma or full stop cannot undergo any textual amendment by any one, because Quran has to be retained in its truest and original form and content from the time it was revealed upon Prophet Mohammad by angel Gabriel (saw).This in fact is the beauty and solemn attribute of it by virtue of which it is a heavenly scripture and not man made.
I believe the true essence of: ISLAM is that the 5 letter word Islam, encompasses within it the 4 letter word Love: I—Shall— Love—All— Mankind. I give below a quote which is self-explanatory and in a nut shell vindicates Islam and all faiths, as well.
That "Assess a religion on the basis of its teachings. The deeds of its followers are a different matter; whether good or bad, they belong to individuals and not the teachings. Don't mix up the two."
The above opinion is my personal assessment based on my own perception as a non-scholar, but a common individual Muslim faithfull.

Meteorologist Predicts Sandy Could Cost More Than Katrina

Jennifer Welsh  Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy It's a comparison that had to be made: Superstorm Sandy versus Hurricane Katrina.

There are many differences between the two storms. Katrina hit the Gulf coast, while Sandy made her way up the East coast. Katrina was a category 3 hurricane when she made landfall, while Sandy had weakened to a post-tropical storm.

But as photos and reports of damage come rolling in, there's one we've all been waiting for. The cost of the storm damage. According to the National Weather Service, Katrina cost the US $108 Billion, the most expensive natural disaster ever. The next most expensive storm, Hurricane Ike, which made landfall as a category 2 hurricane in 2008, did almost $30 Billion in damage.

Accuweather reporter Henry Margusity has his take on Sandy's damage:

    Henry Margusity @Accu_Henry

A CNBC estimates a lower number: $50 Billion and counting.

On the lower end Goldman's Jan Hatzius predicts much lower numbers:

Preliminary estimates suggest that the devastation from Hurricane Sandy may have caused $10-$20 billion in total property losses. This would be similar to Tropical Storm Irene in 2011 and Hurricane Rita in 2005, but far short of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 (the two most devastating hurricanes of postwar history). These estimates are still very tentative, and it is possible that the final tally will be bigger.

CNN has another estimate:

Another estimate, by Kinetic Analysis Corp. research director Chuck Watson, put the Sandy's overall economic impact at $20 billion to $25 billion. Flood damage to New York's subway tunnels and potential electrical system damage is a major wild card, Watson said.

One difference between the two storms that we can be thankful for: The death toll. While our counts of the dead are still rising, currently at 59 dead (29 in New York City), according to The New York Times. Hurricane Katrina, on the other hand, killed over 1,800 people, according to Wikipedia.

Other analysts estimate that the recovery from the storm could actually help the economy and nullify some of the cost of the damage. While others are predicting a rise in gas prices and impacts on the GDP, though currently gas prices are dow

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/meteorologist-predicts-sandy-could-cost-more-than-katrina-2012-10#ixzz2AuMjuUFm

Ramblings of a Madman.. Where is the Gold?

The Rothschild's NWO is a takeover of our planet by what many of us consider a very evil force. It is so evil, I am convinced it is not of this earth.. When the rabbis say a fingernail is not worth a thousand lives, perhaps they are channeling an extraterrestrial force and speaking the voice of the alien beings that collectively we call Satan..

When we understand how ugly Israel is to the descendants of Jesus..Only then can we understand the evil in back of the Rothschild's banking dynasty.. The central nervous system of this evil alien force is the international corporate structure. It's teeth and claws are the war machine. It's breath is geo engineering.. To allow the alien masters a comfortable planet with plenty of nuclear radiation, and an atmosphere of sulfides and aluminum oxide.

Illuminati, Nazis and the Illegal State of Israel


It’s Worse Than Anyone Thinks – Who Still Can, and Dares to

  … by  Dean Henderson   …for Veterans Today

[Editors Note: Dear Readers, We are pleased to bring you Dean's well researched material. Work like this can save the rest of us countless hours of duplicated effort which can be better spent sharing the material with others...Jim W. Dean]
Rothschild Agent Balfour, planting the Zionists in the Middle East

If we wish to end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, we need to know who created Israel and why. 
In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour penned a letter to Zionist Second Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed support for a Jewish homeland on Palestinian-controlled lands in the Middle East. 

This Balfour Declaration justified the brutal seizure of Palestinian lands for the post-WWII establishment of Israel.
Israel would serve, not as some high-minded “Jewish homeland”, but as lynchpin in Rothschild/Eight Families control over the world’s oil supply.
Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring BP Iranian oil to Israel.  He founded Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil and is considered the father of modern Israel.
The Rothschilds are the planet’s wealthiest clan, worth an estimated $100 trillion.  They control Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, Anglo-American, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Bank of America and scores of other global corporations and banks. 
They are the largest shareholders in the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and most every private central bank in the world.  They needed a footprint in the Middle East to protect their new oil concessions, which they procured through Four Horsemen fronts like the Iranian Consortium, Iraqi Petroleum Company and Saudi ARAMCO.
The Brothers Rothschild
Rothschild’s Shell and BP formed these cartels with the Rockefeller half of the Four Horsemen- Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco.  This new alliance required a “special relationship” between Great Britain and the US, which still exists today.
Rothschild and other wealthy European shareholders could now utilize the United States military as a Hessianized mercenary force, deployed to protect their oil interests and paid for by US taxpayers.
Israel would serve the same purpose in closer proximity to the oilfields.  The Israeli Mossad is less a national intelligence agency than it is a Rothschild/Rockefeller family security force.
The Rothschilds exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes- whose Rhodes Scholarship is granted by Cambridge University, out of which oil industry propagandist Cambridge Energy Research Associates operates. Rhodes founded De Beers and Standard Chartered Bank.
The Roundtable takes its name from the legendary knight King Arthur, whose tale of the Holy Grail is synonymous with the Illuminati notion that the Eight Families possess Sangreal or holy blood- a justification for their lording over the people and resources of the planet.
According to former British Intelligence officer John Coleman, who wrote Committee of 300, “Round Tablers armed with immense wealth from gold, diamond and drug monopolies fanned out throughout the world to take control of fiscal and monetary policies and political leadership in all countries where they operated.”
John Coleman
Rhodes and Oppenheimer deployed to South Africa to launch the Anglo-American conglomerate.  Kuhn and Loeb were off to re-colonize America with Morgan and Rockefeller.
Rudyard Kipling was sent to India.  Schiff and Warburg manhandled Russia.  Rothschild, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif pushed into the Middle East.  At Princeton, the Round Table founded the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) as partner to its All Souls College at Oxford.
IAS was funded by the Rockefeller’s General Education Board.  IAS members Robert Oppenheimer, Neils Bohr and Albert Einstein created the atomic bomb.
In 1919 Rothschild’s Business Roundtable spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London.  The RIIA sponsored sister organizations around the globe, including the US Council on Foreign Relations.  The RIIA is a registered charity of the Queen and, according to its annual reports, is funded largely by the Four Horsemen.
Former British Foreign Secretary and Kissinger Associates co-founder Lord Carrington is president of both the RIIA and the Bilderbergers.  The inner circle at RIIA is dominated by Knights of St. John Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar and 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasons.
The Knights of St. John were founded in 1070 and answer directly to the British House of Windsor.  Their leading bloodline is the Villiers dynasty, which the Hong Kong Matheson family- owners of the HSBC opium laundry- married into. The Lytton family also married into the Villiers gang.
Edward Lytton – Bloodlines of de Rascals
Colonel Edward Bulwer-Lytton led the English Rosicrucian secret society, which Shakespeare opaquely referred to as Rosencranz, while the Freemasons were symbolized by Guildenstern.
Lytton was spiritual father of both the RIIA and Nazi fascism.  In 1871 he penned a novel titled, Vril: The Power of the Coming Race.  Seventy years later the Vril Society received ample mention in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Lytton’s son became Viceroy to India in 1876 just before opium production spiked in that country.  His good friend Rudyard Kipling introduced the swastika to India and later worked under Lord Beaverbrook as Propaganda Minister, alongside Sir Charles Hambro of the Hambros banking dynasty.
Children of the Roundtable elite are members of a Dionysian cult known as Children of the Sun.  Initiates include Aldous Huxley, T. S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence and H. G. Wells.  Wells headed British intelligence during WWI.  His books speak of a “one-world brain” and “a police of the mind”.
William Butler Yeats, another Sun member, was a pal of Aleister Crowley.  The two formed an Isis Cult based on a Madam Blavatsky manuscript, which called on the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Aryan priesthood.  Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society and Bulwer-Lytton’s Rosicrucians joined forces to form the Thule Society, out of which the Nazis emerged.
Rothschild, Rockefeller and the rest of the Illuminati bankers backed the Nazis.  Max and Paul Warburg sat on I. G. Farben’s board, as did H. A. Metz, who was director at the Warburg Bank of Manhattan- later Chase Manhattan.  Bank of Manhattan director and Federal Reserve Board member C. E. Mitchell sat on the board of I. G. Farben’s US branch.
In 1936 Avery Rockefeller set up a combination with the German Schroeder family, who served as Hitler’s personal bankers.  Time magazine called the new Schroeder, Rockefeller & Company “the economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis”.  Morgan Guaranty Trust and Union Banking Corporation (UBC) also funded the Nazis.  UBC board member Prescott Bush is W’s grandfather.
The WWI Veteran in the Crowd – Adolf Hitler

In 1933 at the home of banker Baron Kurt von Schroeder, a deal was cut to bring Hitler to power.  Attending the meeting were brothers John Foster and Allen Dulles- Rockefeller cousins and partners at law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, which represented Schroeder Bank.
Schroeder, managing director T. C. Tiarks, was a director at the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England.  In the spring of 1934 Bank of England Chairman Montagu Norman convened a meeting of London bankers who decided to covertly fund Hitler.
Royal Dutch/Shell Chairman Sir Henri Deterding helped in this effort.  Even after the US went to war with Germany, Exxon Chairman Walter Teagle remained on the board of I. G. Chemical- the US I. G. Farben subsidiary.  Exxon was integral in supplying the Nazis with tetraethyl lead, an important component of aviation fuel.  Only Exxon, Du Pont and GM made the stuff.  Teagle also supplied the Japanese with his product.
Exxon and I. G. Farben were such close business associates that by 1942 Thurman Arnold – head of the US Justice Department’s Anti-Trust Division- produced documents that showed, “Standard and Farben in Germany had literally carved up the world markets, with oil and chemical monopolies established all over the map.”
Daddy Prescott Bush had his companies seized during WWI for ‘trading with the enemy’ – but managed to get all his money back after the war, which financed the Bush political dynasty.

In 1912 railroad magnate Edward Harriman’s widow joined John D. Rockefeller in funding a eugenics research lab at Cold Spring Harbor, NY.  That same year the First International Congress of Eugenics was convened in London with Winston Churchill presiding.
In 1932 the conference was held in New York.  Hamburg-Amerika Shipping Line, owned by George Walker and Prescott Bush, brought the German contingent to the gene-fest.
One member of the German delegation was Dr. Ernst Rudin of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy in Berlin.  He was unanimously elected president for his work in founding the German Society of Race Hygiene- a forerunner to Hitler’s race institutes.
As of 1998 there were still scores of lawsuits pending against Ford, Chase Manhattan, J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Allianz AG and several Swiss banks for their dealings with the Nazis.
At the heart of Hitler’s inner circle were the secret societies Germanordern (brothers of Yale’s Skull & Bones), the Thule Society, and Vril.  The concepts “Great Masters”, “Adepts” and the “Great White Brotherhood”, which the Nazis used to justify their idea of Aryan superiority, were ancient ideas carried forth from the Egyptian Mystery Schools by the Teutonic Knights, the Illuminati, and Hebrew Cabalists.
These same concepts can be found in today’s New Age Movement, whose New Age magazine was first published by the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Washington, DC.  Henry Kissinger was an early supporter.
Nazi occultists believed ancient German tribes were the true keepers of the Ancient Mysteries which had their origin in Atlantis, when seven races of God-men were introduced to Earth.  Thule was a Teutonic Atlantis believed by the Nazis to house these long-vanquished races, who lost their godly Annunaki powers by interbreeding with humans.
At the inner core of the Thule Society were Satanists who practiced black magic. Hitler was once described as a “child of Illuminism”.
Is it time to check Hitler’s DNA?
According to Dr. Walter Langer, who did a war-time psychoanalysis of Hitler for the CIA-predecessor OSS, Hitler was also a Rothschild.  Langer uncovered an Austrian police report proving Hitler’s father was an illegitimate son of a peasant cook named Maria Anna Schicklgruber, who at the time of her conception was a servant in the Vienna home of Baron Rothschild.
In May 1941 Rudolf Hess parachuted into the estate of the Duke of Hamilton, saying a supernatural force told him to negotiate with the British.  Hitler was ostensibly visited by this same apparition and suddenly turned vehemently against occultism.
He ordered a crackdown against Freemasons, Templars and the Theosophical Society.  Suddenly the international banker crowd pulled the plug on Hitler’s finances and began to denounce him.  Six months later the Hessianized US military entered WWII.
Hitler’s fate was no different than that of Saddam Hussein or Manuel Noriega.  The Illuminati bankers’ modus operandi is to use men of low integrity to do their dirty work, before conveniently discarding and distancing themselves from them.
The horrific Holocaust that ensued assured sympathy for the already-planned state of Israel.  Towards the end of WWII, the murderous Haganah and Stern Gangs were deployed by the Rothschild bankers to terrorize Palestinians and steal their land.  Jews who escaped Hitler’s gas chambers were those of means who bought into Zionism.
For a fee of $1,000 – lots of money at that time – these right-wingers bought passage to Israel and escaped the fate of the poor Jews, Serbs, communists and gypsies.  The whole bloody affair was a massive eugenics project.  It had more to do with culling the herd along class lines, than it did with ethnicity or religion.
The key to this historic puzzle is to understand that the Rothschild/Rockefeller sangreal international bankers supported both the rise of the Nazis and the creation of Israel.  None of this has anything to do with religion.  It has everything to do with oil, arms, drugs, money and power.
The Rothschilds say they are Jewish.  The Rockefellers claim to be Christian.  These are irrelevant smokescreens.  Any demagogue- who blames injustice a religion or race of people- is sadly misinformed.  Throughout history the Illuminati Satanists have sacrificed people of all race and religion to further their agenda of total planetary control.
Israel is not a “Jewish homeland”.  It is an oil monopoly lynchpin.  Its citizens are being put in harms way- used by the Four Horsemen and their Eight Families-owners as geopolitical pawns in an international resource grab.  No peaceful solution is possible until the stolen land is returned to its rightful Palestinian owners.
Israel is an illegal entity.  Viva Palestine!
Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve & Stickin’ it to the Matrix.  You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column @ www.deanhenderson.wordpress.com
 Editing:  Jim W. Dean

Only Global Banks Will Benefit From A Cyber-Attack On The U.S.

The Daily Sheeple

Brandon Smith
Alt Market
October 31st, 2012

When it comes to national crises and man-made disasters, America as a society has a tendency towards selective blindness.  If we were to truly think critically instead of reactively with hyperemotional conclusions, we might ask ourselves a few important questions.  In the wake of 9/11, we did not investigate the actual crime for ourselves.  Instead, the investigation was done for us, and within hours of the attacks a convenient group of villains was presented to us on a silver platter complete with trimmings as well as a few target countries we did not particularly like ready to bomb into oblivion.  After 9/11, we did not think; we set out to slay monsters.  Whether they were real or imagined made little difference…

If we had any sense back then, the populace would have asked themselves WHO truly benefited from the event?  Who really gained, and who really lost?  Did a bunch of cave dwelling Muslim fanatics “gain” from 9/11?  What did they gain?  Where was the incentive?

In any guerilla resistance or insurgency, the primary objective is to win the support of a particular populace.  To win hearts and minds.  Post 9/11, the world was ready to embrace the U.S. in a way that had not been seen in decades.  The “terrorist” plan to undermine the collective American character had apparently backfired.  The supposed goal of Al-Qaeda to rally the world behind its cause against U.S. imperialism had turned to poison.  The attacks then opened the political doorway for even more U.S. military dominion in the Middle East, and policies of preemption continue more than a decade later as politician after politician rides the tired pony of “national security” to complete exhaustion, playing the terrorism card as an excuse for every violent action and every disruption of civil liberties, while the establishment rams through every piece of unconstitutional legislation they have had on the backburner for years.

Again, the question remains: who really benefited from the event?

Now, some might claim that terrorists are generally disposed to insanity or religious zealotry, and don’t necessarily need to think in terms of cost/benefit when planning to kill people.  This assertion, however, is a mere feat of mental gymnastics designed to allow us to tapdance around the more complex issues.  Many of us would like to assume that the story of a sinister super-secret Al-Qaeda clan of death exists, and in order to do so we also have to believe that they are smart enough to embed themselves into every fabric of Western culture as our government constantly forewarns.  But, if they truly are that ingenious, wouldn’t we also have to consider the possibility that the terrorists are smart enough to take actions which serve THEIR interests, instead of only serving the interests of the people they are supposed to despise, like the U.S. and European power elite?

Al-Qaeda’s (or whoever they are) presence in Syria and the admitted (or loosely admitted) support they now receive from the U.S. in the form of monetary aid and weapons shipments is a perfect example of this dynamic.  Why would we reinforce a terrorist organization which our government has accused of killing thousands on 9/11?  Why would they help us destabilize Syria?

Why is it that everything Al-Qaeda does ultimately enriches the men they call their enemies?
Regardless of whether or not you believe such subversive events are the product of terrorist activities, it is impossible to deny that the establishment (globalists and their respective business entities) always seem to come out far ahead in the aftermath of every calamity.  We lose, the Muslim nations lose, and the global banks win, every time.  This is not debatable.  It is simply today’s reality…
Knowing this dynamic exists, I have to apply a bit of skepticism when I read press releases from the Department of Defense and the White House asserting that a 2nd World country like Iran is possibly at the forefront of cyber warfare against the U.S.:

I have to double my skepticism when Fox News reports that Iran is planning cyber-strikes from Mexico (playing into the DHS talking point of joint Mexican/Al-Qaeda operations.  Why the hell would Iran need to cyber attack from Mexico?  Why not the South Pole, or the Hamptons…?).  Not to mention, their expert guest on the matter is none other than Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman, one of the primary soulless political figures behind such freedom roasting bills as the Enemy Belligerents Act (whose language was ultimately melded into the indefinite detention provisions of NDAA 2012), and the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, which is essentially CISPA on steroids:

Neither the DoD, nor the White House, nor Lieberman, nor the mainstream media have ever offered any tangible evidence that Iran has anything to do with the alleged cyber attacks on major U.S. banks, the private Federal Reserve, or any American infrastructure of any kind.  Yes, in case you haven’t noticed, it sounds like Iraq all over again; lots of “experts” telling us what to think, and no evidence to back their claims.  So, without the benefit of any evidence from our fearless leaders in Washington D.C., we are left only with logic.  What would Iran’s goal be in executing a cyber attack against the U.S financial system, and what would they gain?

Even if the Middle Eastern nation has the capability to carry out such a techno-barrage, wouldn’t Iran be the first country that the U.S. would blame for the event regardless of evidence?  Why would Iran hand over the perfect pretext for a hard physical strike by Western powers?  Again, are we supposed to believe that the Iranian government is brilliant enough to pull off a coded 9/11, but too ignorant to realize they will be immediately targeted afterwards?

Now, there have been some cyber attacks in recent years which DO have strong suspects with ample evidence to support their guilt.  Namely, the Stuxnet virus attacks which were directed specifically at Iran and its nuclear energy program, all perpetrated by the U.S. and Israel.  I have seen cold hard facts showing that the U.S. and Israeli governments have a penchant for computer terrorism, and I have seen no facts that sully Iran.

Iran gains little or nothing from cyber warfare, but there is one group of interests that gain much…
I submit that in the event of a cyber attack on the U.S., the spoils of such a victory will fall into the laps of the very global bankers that are being portrayed as victims, and I also submit that said attacks will open a door to government controls that certain elites have been clamoring for over decades.  Here’s what they would get, and what you would lose…

1)  A Cyber Attack Would Divert Economic Blame Away From Banks And Government
The Federal Reserve created the powder keg atmosphere within our financial system that we experience today using artificially low interest rates which allowed fiat money to be fed into sure-loss housing loans and toxic debt derivatives.  The credit crisis and housing collapse NEVER could have occurred without the direct aid of central bankers.  International lenders like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs knowingly issued these toxic derivatives into the system while betting against them on the open market in an outright act of fiscal sabotage on numerous countries from Greece to the United States.  Ratings agencies ignored the blatant dangers inherent in the derivatives market and gave toxic securities coveted AAA status.  The SEC, which is supposed to stand guard against this brand of corruption, instead looked the other way, rarely if ever investigating whistleblower complaints against the “Too Big Too Fails”.

When the American economy collapses (and it will) under the intense weight of this criminality on every level of the market process, the public will come after the banks and those politicians who helped them – unless a scapegoat is offered as a distraction.  A “cyber attack” on our banking system would give perfect cover for the banksters, allowing them to blame the collapse (which was going to happen anyway) on Iranian “terrorists”.  With their new victim status, international banks can then step in as the wounded but valiant “saviors” of the global financial system, centralizing even more power into fewer hands, issuing their new world reserve currency (the SDR) in the wake of a disintegrating dollar, focusing regulatory control within the IMF, all while the foolish populace chases after Muslim boogeymen.

2)  A Cyber Attack Gives Pretext For War 

The argument for preemption against Iran over a nuclear weapons program that has never been proven to exist is simply ineffective and childish.  Globalists are beginning to realize that they have overplayed the “expert” card, and dropping a guy in a suit in front of a camera to tell Americans who to bomb is not quite working out like it did a decade ago.  Why not?  Because ten years ago Americans were still reeling from 9/11.  Globalist think tanks like the Washington Institute For Near East Policy now openly call for new attacks to be fabricated (false flag attacks) in order to frighten the American people into supporting a new war against Iran:

The interesting thing about the concept of a cyber false flag is that it leaves no physical fingerprints for average citizens to investigate.  Skeptics who suspect that our own government is the engineer of the attack might never be able to see the virus, coding, or transcripts of the event.  It is much easier to hide a collapsing network infrastructure than it is to hide a real building collapsing at near freefall speed (Building 7) without the aid of a crashing airliner.  With no physical or visible evidence whatsoever, a cyber false flag can be blamed on anyone, and the public will have to take the government at their word.

3)  A Cyber Attack Gives The Government Rationale For Internet Controls
Our government, regardless of which party occupies the presidency, has been chewing through concrete in an attempt to gain regulatory power over the internet and its content.  SOPA, CISPA, the Cybersecurity Act 2012, and on and on.  They do not hide the fact that they want to clamp down on the web, especially the web’s massive independent media presence, which the DHS often refers to as “extremist propaganda and recruitment”.  A cyber attack gives web totalitarians the perfect excuse to fence in our creative commons and silence activist media.  I can hear it now:  “The open and unsecured nature of the internet has given terrorists and terrorist states free reign to attack vital U.S. infrastructure, and it must be restricted for the greater good of the country…”

4)  A Cyber Attack Can Go Global
A cyber attack does not have to be limited to a single country and its networks.  It could be used to strike multiple countries and fuel a global firestorm of systems failures.  Globalists need a macro-crisis, a world-wide catastrophe, in order to present their “global solution” to the desperate masses. This solution will invariably include more dominance for them, and less freedom for us.  A global crisis can also be used to manipulate various cultures to forget concerns of sovereignty and think in terms of one-world action.  Surely, a worldwide breakdown can only be solved if we “all work together and all think alike”, right…?

Without a doubt, a cyber attack serves the interests of elitist entities and banking monstrosities like nothing else in existence.  Set off a nuke, start WWIII, turn the U.S. dollar into stagflationary dust; a cyber attack tops them all, because a cyber attack can lead to them all while maintaining deniability for the establishment.  The fact that whispers of cyber threats have turned into bullhorn blasted propaganda should concern us all.

Are we being conditioned for a cyber event in the near future?  That remains to be seen.  However, none of us should be surprised if one does occur, especially in light of the many gains involved for globalists, and all of us should be ready to dismantle and expose any lies surrounding the event before the American public is whipped into a 9/11 style frenzy yet again.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Brandon Smith of Alt Market.
You can contact Brandon Smith at: brandon@alt-market.com
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One Aim of Anti-Terror Narrative Is To Destroy Press Freedom

"Sometimes, to remain silent is to lie, since silence can be interpreted as assent. " - Miguel de Unamuno.
Infowars reported yesterday that an episode in Jesse Ventura's TruTv show 'Conspiracy Theory' that examined the waste and corruption of the TSA has been pulled from the upcoming season.

It is a miracle that the show is allowed on the air. It is proof that America is not a full-blown totalitarian police state. But it doesn't have to be because the obedience of the majority of the American people has been guaranteed with other strategies and tactics.

Institutions like the TSA have contributed to the creation of a slave-like citizenry. Popular culture has made obedience a hip thing and turned rebellion into a mental disorder. Just having a different opinion is considered nutty and "conspiratorial."

But America could become a completely closed society. If current trends continue then little windows into the real world like Ventura's show will be closed shut. Censorship in America has always been a gradual process. It begins with a line in a movie script, then an episode in a television series, and then a book or a website.

The victim of totalitarian propaganda does not know that he is being mentally suffocated and deprived of the facts. He cannot imagine how much resources has been used by the government to keep him in the dark about nearly everything. The tyranny of psy-ops is invisible. And the enemies of intellectual freedom are everywhere.

Most journalists have abandoned their profession. Edward R. Murrow would be lost in America today. He would be treated as an alien, called a conspiracy theorist, and laughed out of the room.

What journalists faced in the 1950s was pretty mild compared to now. Imagine if the communist-hunters of the Cold War era had a secret Kill List and were emboldened by an event like 9/11 that traumatized the nation's psyche.

The anti-terror narrative is more dangerous to liberty because anyone can be a terrorist but not everybody can be a communist. The hijackers of the U.S. government have played loose with the definition of terrorism in order to silence their internal and external critics. Even journalists are now terrorists.

The abuse of language to instill fear in society is a trick that works in every country. But it has succeeded in America only to a limited extent. The alternative media has put into question the mainstream understanding of the roots of terrorism and the 9/11 events in particular.

As Alex Jones said yesterday on the radio, it is an achievement that the alternative media has become so big. But we should never get complacent. Each of us must make use of whatever is left of press freedom in the West.

Obama Rejects Palestinian Statehood


by Stephen Lendman

What do you call a Black man who rejects equal rights for his own people and others? A racist traitor.
What do you call a rejectionist leader? A criminal who should be impeached, removed and prosecuted.

Obama stands guilty on multiple counts. His rap sheet includes much more than spurning Palestinian rights. He’s complicit in grand theft and war crimes multiple times over. He’s unfit to serve. He should be in prison, not government.

Throughout his tenure, he repeatedly violated international, constitutional, and US statute laws. He’s contemptuous of fundamental rights and other democratic values.

From his earliest Chicago political days, he supported ethnic cleansing gentrification. Real estate and other financial priorities trumped populism. They still do and much more.

Obama fronts for wealth and power interests. As a state senator, he did it for his district. As president, he does it globally. He’s in lockstep with Israel on Palestine.

He supports occupation harshness. Palestinians are Muslims and don’t matter. Denying them fundamental rights is policy. So is total evisceration of freedom and standing four-square against sovereign independence in any form. He also opposes full or limited UN membership.
Washington wages wars multiple ways. Its repertoire includes financial and political warfare.
Last year, US Jerusalem Consul General, Daniel Rubenstein, told chief negotiator Saeb Erekat that Washington will veto a UN Security Council resolution on Palestinian sovereignty within June 1967 borders.

Doing so is illegal. It also carries no weight. The General Assembly alone affirms new member states by a two-thirds vote. The Security Council only recommends admissions.

Palestinians can override Washington’s veto by petitioning the General Assembly through the 1950 Uniting for Peace Resolution 377. Doing so renders America’s veto null and void.

Washington pledged earlier not to oppose any state seeking UN membership. Of course, its promises aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. The same goes for Israel. Both nations are rogue states. They govern by we’re boss and what we say goes rules.

Rubenstein also threatened to cut off all aid and impose other unspecified punitive measures. In July 2012, PA official Khaled Mesmar said Washington repeated its threat.

An unnamed US diplomat told Abbas in Ramallah. He, of course, only goes through the motions of seeking official statehood recognition and UN membership with enough rights to matter. Rhetoric substitutes for follow-through.

If proper procedures are followed, both objectives are within easy reach. Abbas struck out repeatedly on both counts. Expect nothing from him ahead. He epitomizes betrayal and illegitimacy. He represents Israel and Washington, not Palestine. He’s an unprincipled quisling head of state.
In June 2011, the Senate unanimously approved a measure to end funding if statehood is pursued. Weeks later, the House followed suit. It voted 407 – 6. Its resolution also called for suspending aid if Fatah/Hamas unity is consummated.

Both House and Senate resolutions are non-binding. Foreign policy is the purview of the Executive. Exceptions include the right to declare war. Congress alone may do so. It abdicated its authority over seven decades ago. It shows no signs of reclaiming it.

The State of Palestine, in fact, exists. It was proclaimed in Algiers on November 15, 1988. At the time, the PLO adopted the Palestinian Declaration of Independence.

PLO legal advisor Francis Boyle drafted it. He included safeguards to assure all sovereign state rights. His document left no wiggle room loopholes. He also made sure UN membership won’t comprise them.

Palestine satisfies all essential criteria for sovereign independence and full de jure UN membership.
All UN Charter states (including America and Israel) provisionally recognized Palestinian independence in accordance with UN Charter article 80(1) and League Covenant article 22(4).
Further, as the League’s successor, the General Assembly has exclusive legal authority to designate the PLO as the Palestinian peoples’ legitimate representative.

The Palestine National Council (PNC) is the PLO’s legislative body. It’s empowered to proclaim the existence of Palestine. According to the binding 1925 Palestine Citizenship Order in Council, Palestinians, their children and grandchildren automatically become citizens.

So are diaspora Palestinians. Those living in Israel and Jordan have dual nationalities. Occupied Territory residents remain “protected persons” (under Fourth Geneva) until a final peace settlement is reached.

Rights are achievable under leaders who pursue them. Palestinian governance always fell short. Millions deserving better never got it. They remain occupied and oppressed in limbo.
They’re on their own to seek liberation PA leaders conspiratorially with Israel and Washington deny them. On September 27, Abbas addressed the General Assembly in New York. Once again he fell short.

His comments were watered down, weak-kneed, and duplicitous. He’ll again seek UN non-member state status, he said. On the one hand, he promised before and backed down.
On the other, why seek less than what’s easily within reach and should have been gotten long ago.
Last year, Francis Boyle emailed this writer as follows:

“I have advised the Palestinians to invoke the Uniting for Peace Resolution.” Doing so overrides Washington’s veto. “That get’s their Admission Application to the UN General Assembly.”
“It is the General Assembly that admits, not the Security Council. There they will need a 2/3ds vote of those states voting yes or no – abstentions, no votes, no shows do not count.”

At the time, the Financial Times estimated they had 170 votes. They constitute 88% of UN member states. “If they get the 2/3ds vote in the General Assembly, Palestine” joins their ranks, “and you have Palestine and Israel, which everyone says they want but, of course, they do not mean it.”

Boyle added that “Palestinians will always live to fight another day. And I will be there with them until my dying day. Or until Palestine is Free.” For the record, this writer pledges the same thing without compromising what’s right, fair, just, and long overdue.

On October 1, the London Guardian headlined “US warns European governments against supporting Palestinians at UN,” saying:

It came in private memo form. Go along or else. Memo language said UN status in any form “would be extremely counterproductive.” EU governments were told Palestinians will face “significant negative consequences.” Financial sanctions were mentioned.

The memo said Palestinian statehood “can only be achieved via direct negotiations with the Israelis.” Going that route, of course, assures permanent occupation, exploitation, persecution, and failure.
European governments were urged to support US obstructionist efforts. General Assembly representatives in New York were given Washington’s ultimatum. Do it our way or else.

Washington and Israel have serious concerns about rights UN member states are afforded. In another email, Boyle explained, saying:
Once Palestine “becomes a UN Member State, (it) can ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and then file a formal State to State Complaint against Israeli Officials, upgrading the lower level Complaint President Abbas filed at my advice.”

It can also “ratify the Genocide Convention and sue Israel for Genocide at the World Court, pursuant to the advice I had already given President Arafat and President Abbas, and get a temporary restraining Order against the Zionists, that would then go to the Security Council for enforcement, and if vetoed by the Americans, to the General Assembly for enforcement under the (1950) Uniting for Peace Resolution.”

“With these proceedings, (it may) be able to halt the Zionist settlement project of all Palestine in the immediate future.” It will also lift Gaza’s siege. Abbas refuses to do it. So did Arafat before him.
Decades of Palestinian leadership failure to do the right thing constitutes betrayal. Nothing ahead looks promising. A third Intifada is long overdue.

Courageous independent leaders are needed to inspire, organize, and direct it. Hopefully enough of them are committed and ready. Liberation won’t come any other way.

About the Author: Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

The Virtual Recovery

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By Paul Craig Roberts

October 30, 2012 "
Information Clearing House" -  Since mid-2009 the US has been enjoying a virtual recovery courtesy of a rigged inflation measure that understates inflation. The financial Presstitutes spoon out the government’s propaganda that prices are rising less than 2%. But anyone who purchases food, fuel, medical care or anything else knows that low inflation is no more real that Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction or Gadhafi’s alleged attacks on Libyan protesters or Iran’s nuclear weapons. Everything is a lie to serve the power-brokers.

During the Clinton administration, Republican economists pushed through a change in the way the CPI is measured in order to save money by depriving Social Security retirees of their cost-of-living adjustment. Previously, the CPI measured the change in the cost of a constant standard of living. The new measure assumes that consumers adjust to price increases by lowering their standard of living by substituting lower quality, lower priced items. If the price, for example, of New York strip steak goes up, consumers are assumed to substitute the lower quality round steak. In other words, the new measure of inflation keeps inflation down by reflecting a lowered standard of living.

Statistician John Williams (shadowstats.com), who closely follows the collecting and reporting of official US economic statistics, reports that consumer inflation, as measured by the 1990 official government methodology has been running at about 5%. If the 1980 official methodology for measuring the CPI is used, John Williams reports that the current rate of US inflation is about 9%.

The 9% figure is more consistent with people’s experience in grocery stores.

Officially the recession that began in 2007 ended in June 2009 after 18 months, making the Bush Recession the longest recession since World War II. However, John Williams says that the recession has not ended. He says that only the GDP reporting, distorted by an erroneous measurement of inflation, shows a recovery. Other, more reliable measures of economic activity, show no recovery.

Williams reports that the economy began turning down in 2006, falling lower in 2008 and 2009, and bottom-bouncing ever since. Not only is there no sign of any recovery, but “the economic downturn now is intensifying once again.” The absence of an economic recovery “is evident in the [official] reporting of nearly all major economic series. Not one of these series shows a pattern of activity that confirms the recovery [shown] in the GDP series.”

Williams concludes that “the official recovery simply is a statistical illusion created by the government’s use of understated inflation in deflating the GDP.” In other words, the reported gains in GDP are accounted for by price increases, not increases in real output.

The result of the US government’s economic deception is the same as the deception Washington has used to start wars all over the Middle East. The government propaganda produces a make-believe virtual reality that bears no relationship to real reality. In history there have been many governments who have prevailed by deceiving the people, but Washington has moved this success to a new peak. As long as Americans believe anything Washington says, they are doomed.

It is easy to see why there is no economic recovery and cannot be an economic recovery. Look at the chart below (courtesy of John Williams, shadowstats.com).

Real median household income at the end of 2011 is back where it was in 1967-68. Moreover, Williams has deflated household income to get its real value by using the official inflation measure, which substantially understates inflation. If Williams had used the 1990 or 1980 official government methodology for calculating the consumer price index, the real median incomes of households would show a larger decline.

Moreover, the low 2011 real median household income is the summation, in most cases, of two household earners, whereas in 1967-68 one earner could produce the same real income. As Nobel economist Gary Becker, my former colleague as Business Week columnist, pointed out, when both husband and wife have to work in order to maintain the same purchasing power, household income from the wife’s in-kind household services is eliminated. Therefore, the monetary measure of the dual household income overstates income, because it is not adjusted for the lost benefits formerly provided by the wife who at home managed the household.

Americans are far more oppressed by the power brokers in Washington than statistics display. Moreover, the young are born into the oppressive, exploitative American system and do not know any different. They are fed by the Presstitute media with endless propaganda about how fortunate they are and how indispensable their wonderful country is. Americans are kept in a constant state of amusement, and many never grasp the loss of their civil liberties, job and career opportunities, and respect that the US won during the decades-long cold war with Soviet Communism.

On September 13, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben “Helicopter” Bernanke announced Quantitative Easing 3. Bernanke said that the recovery is weak and needs more Fed stimulus. He said the Fed will purchase $40 billion of mortgage bonds per month in order to drive interest rates further below the rate of inflation and help to sell more houses.

But how do you sell houses to households who are getting by with 1967-68 levels of real income and who have absolutely no job security? Their company can be taken over and offshored tomorrow or they can be replaced by foreign workers on H-1B visas. Housing prices have dropped, but not to 1967-68 levels.

Bernanke’s announcement that the Fed’s purchase of mortgage bonds is to spur housing and the economy is disinformation. Bernanke is purchasing the bonds in order to boost the values of the derivatives and debt instruments in the banks’ portfolios. Lower interest rates raise the value of the debt instruments on the banks’ balance sheets. By depriving American savers of a real interest rate on their savings, Bernanke makes the busted banks look solvent.

This is what is happening in “freedom and democracy” America. The vast majority of Americans, especially the retired, are forced to consume their savings and draw down their capital because they can get no real interest on their savings. The beneficiaries are the banksters, who can borrow at near zero interest rates, charge consumers 16% on their credit cards, and use the Federal Reserve’s largess to speculate on interest rate swaps and credit default swaps. The American taxpayers hold the bag for the banksters’ uncovered gambles.

Would you not gamble if the American taxpayers had to cover your bets, but your winnings were yours alone?

The future of the American political order is in doubt. The Bush and Obama regimes have so badly abused the Constitution and statutory law, that the America that Ronald Reagan left to us no longer exists. America is on the path to collapse or tyranny.

Suppose that a miracle produces an economic recovery. What becomes of the enormous excess bank reserves that the Federal Reserve has provided the banks?

If these bank reserves are used for expanding loans, the money supply will outstrip the production of goods and services, and inflation will rise.

If the Fed tries to take the excess reserves out of the banking system by selling bonds, interest rates will rise, thus destroying the wealth of bond holders and draining liquidity from the stock market. In other words, another depression that wipes out the remaining American wealth.

The Federal Reserve’s announcement of QE3 shows that the Fed will continue to create new money in order to protect the values of the insolvent banks’ questionable assets. The Federal Reserve represents the banksters, not the American public. Like every other American government institution, the Federal Reserve is far removed from concerns about American citizens.

In my opinion, the Federal Reserve’s purchase of bonds in order to drive down interest rates has produced a bond market bubble that is larger than the real estate and derivative bubbles. Economically, it is nonsensical for a bond to carry a negative real interest rate, especially when the government issuing the bond is running large budget deficits that it seems unable to reduce and when the central bank is monetizing the debt.

The bubble has been protected by the euro “crisis,” which possibly is more of a virtual crisis than a real one. The euro crisis has caused money to seek refuge in dollars, thus supporting the dollar’s value even while the Federal Reserve prints money with which to purchase the never-ending flow of the governments’ bonds to finance trillion dollar plus annual budget deficits--about 5 times the “Reagan deficits” that Wall Street alleged would wreck the US economy.

Indeed, the US dollar’s exchange value is itself a bubble waiting to pop. The sharp rise in the dollar price of gold and silver since 2003 indicates a flight from the US dollar. (The chart is courtesy of John Williams, shadowstats.com.)

The bond market bubble will pop if the dollar bubble pops. The Federal Reserve can sustain the bond market bubble by purchasing bonds, and there are no limits on the Federal Reserve’s ability to purchase bonds. However, the endless monetization of debt, even if the new money is stuck in the banks and does not find its way into the economy, can spook foreign holders of dollar-denominated assets.

Foreign central banks can decide that they want to hold fewer dollars and more precious metals as their reserves. Other countries, sensing the US dollar’s demise,

are organizing to conduct their trade without the use of the world’s reserve currency. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa intend to conduct their trade with one another in their own currencies. China and Japan have also negotiated to settle their trade balances with one another in their own currencies.

These agreements substantially reduce the use of the US dollar in international trade and, thus, the demand for dollars. When demand falls, so does price, unless the supply shrinks. But the Federal Reserve has announced, essentially, unlimited supply of US dollars. So we are faced with a paradox. The US dollar is supposed to remain valuable despite its enormous increase in supply.

In addition, China, America’s largest creditor and in the past a reliable purchaser of US Treasury bonds, holds some two trillion in dollar-denominated assets, primarily Treasury bonds. How is Washington treating its largest foreign creditor? Not with appreciation or deference. Washington is surrounding China with naval and air bases, interfering in China’s disputes with other countries, and bringing contrived actions against China in the World Trade Organization. Washington claims that US corporations are deserting the US not because of the lower cost of labor in China, but because of Chinese “subsidies” to the relocated US firms.

In my April 30 column, “
Brewing a Conflict with China,” I wrote that Washington would like to substitute a cold war with China for the hot wars in the Middle East. The problem with the hot wars is the loss of superpower face from Washington’s inability to prevail after eleven years, and although the hot wars are profitable for the military/security complex, the wars don’t generate the level of profits that would flow from a high-tech arms race with China. Moreover, Washington believes that diverting Chinese investment from the economy into a military buildup would slow the rate at which the Chinese economy is overtaking the US economy.

What if instead of taking the bait from Washington, China targets Washington’s Archilles heel--the dollar’s role as reserve currency--and decides it is cheaper to dump one trillion dollars of US Treasury debt on the bond market than to commit to a 30 year arms race? To keep the price of Treasuries from collapsing, the Federal Reserve could print the money to buy the bonds. But if China then dumps the printed one trillion dollars in the foreign exchange markets, Washington cannot print euros, British pounds, Russian rubles, Swiss francs, and other currencies in order to buy up the dollars.

Frantic, Washington would try to arrange currency swaps with foreign countries in order to acquire the foreign exchange with which to buy up the dollars that, otherwise, will drive down the dollar exchange rate and destroy the Federal Reserve’s control over interest rates.

But if the Chinese don’t want the dollars, will other countries want to swap their currencies for the abandoned US dollar?

Some of Washington’s puppet states will comply, but the wider world will rejoice in the termination of Washington’s financial hegemony and refuse the offer.

Sooner or later the dollar will collapse from Washington’s abuse of the dollar’s role as reserve currency, and the dollar will lose its “safe haven” status. US inflation will rise, and US political stability, along with America’s hegemonic power, will wane.

The rest of the world will sigh with relief. And China will have defeated the superpower without an arms race or firing a shot.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.
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Cop Tasers 10-Year-Old Boy For Refusing to Clean Patrol Car

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Officer demonstrates what police do best on school “career day”

Steve Watson
Oct 30, 2012

A state police officer in New Mexico is being sued after he allegedly tasered a child in a school playground for no reason other than he refused to clean the cop’s patrol car.
The boy’s legal guardian, Rachel Higgins, claims that Officer Chris Webb shot the boy, referred to as “R.D.”, with a 50,000 volt stun gun while visiting on a “career day” at Tularosa New Mexico Intermediate School on May 4.
The complaint notes that the officer approached a group of boys and asked which of them wanted to clean his car. When R.D. said he had no desire to clean the patrol vehicle, Officer Webb is claimed to have stated “‘Let me show you what happens to people who do not listen to the police.’”
He then pointed his taser at the boy, according to the report, and fired two barbs directly into the 10-year old’s chest, electrifying him and causing him to blackout.
Webb then extracted the barbs from the child’s chest, leaving scarring ” that look like cigarette burns”.
“Instead of calling emergency medical personnel, Officer Webb pulled out the barbs and took the boy to the school principal’s office,” the complaint states.
The complaint claims that the boy has suffered mental trauma and night terrors and is now afraid of going to sleep at night for fear he will not wake up again.
Ms Higgins stated in Santa Fe County Court that “No reasonable officer confronting a situation where the need for force is at its lowest, on a playground with elementary age children, would have deployed the Taser in so reckless a manner as to cause physical and psychological injury.”
Higgins is suing on the grounds of battery, failure to render emergency medical care, excessive force, unreasonable seizure, and negligent hiring, training, supervision and retention.
Police guidelines on tasers state that the weapons must only be used as a last resort when an officer is under direct threat. The idea that a 10-year old boy weighing less than 100lbs poses any form of danger to a police officer is a joke.
Numerous studies over recent years have proven that Taser stun guns can cause heart problems and even induce sudden and lethal cardiac arrest.
Webb’s alleged remark to the boy sums up the way many police officers see themselves, as grand overlords that cannot be questioned or challenged. To these people, anyone who reacts in a way they find disagreeable is a viable target for attack, no matter if they are a child, a pregnant woman or a person with a disability.
Earlier this month, two police officers in Texas tasered a man who was having a seizure, causing the 50-year-old to suffer a heart attack and permanent brain damage. The cops were so ill equipped to deal with the situation, that they broke out tasers and shocked a man who was already convulsing on the ground.
As we reported on Infowars Nightly news, it took paramedics 11 minutes to revive the man and bring back his pulse. It is a miracle he is still alive, though he will now have to live with severe disabilities for the rest of his life.

 It is endless amounts of these kind of incidents that show cops are not being trained to use tasers only in situations when they are threatened. They are using the weapons on anyone who does not immediately respond to orders.

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Will Sandy Go Nuclear?

Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
by Zen Gardner

Already Hurricane Sandy is looking about as manipulated as you can imagine, and it hasn’t even hit fully yet. Whether you believe in its manipulation by HAARP and other weather technologies (which could also avert such a confluence of storms if they wanted to), this thing is one major media ploy from the start.

When did you ever hear of cutting the use of utilities before a storm before? Or giving the predicted disaster costs per city and region?

This broadcast of this predictive programming is opening the floodgates of possibility in the minds of millions of people, and from the looks of things they’re gonna guarantee this situation is well “managed” and fully taken advantage of!

*Notice Sandy’s path overlays the most dense concentration of nuclear reactors in the country as shown in top illustration.

The Fukushima Factor

For anyone with eyes to see and that has been connecting the dots for any period of time, the Fukushima event was clearly engineered, if only simply fully taken advantage of at the time of the 9.0 Japan quake by blowing those reactors. You can think what you will, but the Japanese Orwellian denial, coupled with the fact that the US EPA shut down their radiation monitors following the event and the massive continual release of radiation over North America and the northern hemisphere speaks clearly to the issue.

We’re under a manipulated attack.

Now translate that knowledge to this apparently engineered confluence of storm systems in the most densely populated area of the United State just days before a major Presidential election.
Getting the picture?

The Pre-programming Has Been Continual

Besides the on-going Fukushima event and highly publicized knowledge of the deterioration of the obsolete nuclear reactor infrastructure , how many reactors have hit the news that had to go off line due to leakages or “accidents” since Fukushima? And one of the biggest threats was reactors affected during the American midlands floods.

Was this to keep the issue front and center?

Their biggest weapon is fear, and nuclear holocaust in whatever form has been used since WW2 to keep the world on their heels in anticipation of potential horror.  Now the threat of a nuclear conflagration over Iran has been hung over our heads like a sword of Damocles.
Will they use the nuclear option now to create additional chaos?

They’re up to no good, we know that. And it ain’t just politics. We’re talking control excuses.
Anything for further clampdowns and elimination of personal freedoms.
Stay on your toes.

Much love, Zen

Future TSA: Track All 'Daily Travels To Work, Grocery Stores & Social Events'

While the TSA can't explain why invasive patdowns without probable cause are legal, that isn't stopping TSA from future plans to track all your daily travels, anywhere you go, from work, to stores, or even when you go out to play.

By Ms. Smith 
When the TSA was asked to provide legal reasons that definitely spelled out why physically invasive patdowns are legal, without any probable cause, not one TSA person had an answer. There was no legal documentation for enhanced patdowns other than it serves "the essential administrative purpose."

Peep show, police state or privacy invasion, patdowns and body scans are not just in airports. EPIC said DHS is refusing to disclose details of mobile body scanner technology. In fact, in answer to EPIC's FOIA request, DHS handed over "several papers that were completely redacted."

Meanwhile at airports, the TSA is rolling out "less-invasive gingerbread man" body scanners to a tune of $2.7 million for 240 machines. At this point, I don't think skinnier versions of the Pillsbury Doughboy via kinder and gentler naked body scans are going to placate people who are secretly murmuring that America is truly becoming a police state. Spending countless billions of dollars on all this 'security theater' makes it look like the TSA is "doing their best to ensure that if there's a terrorist attack the public doesn't blame the TSA for missing it."

According to TSA Blogger Bob, in the 10 years after 9/11, there have been vast improvements and new technology as well as a "professionalized workforce" of Transportation Security Officers. Professional as in claiming no more enhanced groping of children under 12, only to break that promise and seemingly molest this little boy dressed as Spiderman?

The Los Angeles Times reported on TSA launching a behavior-detection program at Boston's Logan International Airport. These TSA officers received a whopping two weeks of training and are supposed to ask each passenger a "few" questions "in an effort to detect suspicious behavior." Doesn't this seem like yet another strike at your privacy? Some people are stressed or even nervous when they are traveling. What if you don't feel like talking or being questioned? Is this too going to become yet another TSA-mandated "you will answer if you want the privilege of flying?"

A MSNBC travel article warned that when it comes to airport security, "you ain't seen nothing yet." Some security analysts suggest Big Brother will employ an even Bigger Brother in the form of "chip-embedded passports that someday tell the federal transportation watchdogs all about your daily commutes to work, the mall — even to parties."

Other security analysts suggest it will all be about "gathering intelligence technologically" or that increased biometrics is the security answer. The Known Traveler Program will launch this fall so previously known and trusted travelers will "have bar codes stamped on their boarding passes, authorizing TSA screeners to allow those passengers to skip shoe and laptop removals." TSA Administrator John Pistole said, "Enhancing identity-based screening is another common sense step in the right direction as we continue to strengthen overall security and improve the passenger experience whenever possible."

So even though the TSA is building up its ranks with bomb-sniffing dogs, there will be dramatic changes in store for travelers within the next 30 years. There will be biometric fingerprinting as well as other biometric and personal info stored in government databases.

Senior policy analyst at the Center for Health and Homeland Security Vernon R. Herron told MSNBC that your official travel document "will not only have information as to who you are and where you have traveled, but it will also ... allow government officials to track your travel not only in the air, but your daily travels to work, grocery stores and social events." In the future the "government will detain passengers who have traveled to places that are suspicious in nature" once they enter an airport, Herron added. "All these measures seem extreme. However, after we declared a war on terror, we must be more proactive than reactive when it comes to airport security."

Ah, again with the "suspicious" lists even if it's places to which you traveled this time. Regarding the dreaded list after list of supposed suspicious activity, are they meant to keep the public in a state of paranoia and fear so they just roll over and watch it happen? Digg commenter leodin said, "Strange... The actual threat of terrorism hasn't increased, and the odds of actually dying in a terrorist attack make the lottery look like a sound investment, and yet the government seems insistent upon taking more and more measures to protect us from these imaginary threats."

It seems as if the massive DHS database of secret watchlists will continue to grow with U.S. citizens' names even if the threat of terrorism does not.

Gingerbread Man Scanner: Popsci via Flying with Fish

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