Sabtu, 15 September 2012

The True Video that is Causing the Middle East Uprisings

by Henry Shivley

The communist Obama Administration’s Press Secretary, Jay Carney, said the upheaval in the Middle East is a response not to the United States’ policy, not to the Administration, and certainly not to the American people.  It is in response to a video, a film, of course referring to the 14 minute trailer for the movie, Innocence of Muslims.  Said movie we now find out does not even exist beyond the trailer, which represents an open insult to the Muslims in the Middle East,

This assertion is like every other thing we are being told by the international socialist insurgent government in our country.  It is an out and out lie.

When Obama and his soviet socialists released the video of the drone hit on Al Qaeda leader second in command, Abu Yahya al-Libi, a Libyan national on September 10th, the Muslim response was calculated and absolutely predictable.

The Arabic version of the 14 minute trailer for a movie that doesn’t exist was released a week before as a shill for the video posted on Monday.  And then Ambassador Stevens was sent to a sparsely guarded consulate where he and three of his staff were killed on September 11th in the ensuing melee.

The death of the Ambassador is nothing more than a cold and calculated assassination, orchestrated and carried out by the US CIA and Israeli Mossad for the purpose of giving the Obama Administration an easy path to an attack on Iran before the 2012 Presidential Election in November and more importantly before the October Elections in Israel.

At this point in the ball game the plan has backfired.  The uprising in the Middle East has gone out of control and we the American nationals of the United States are not falling for the ruse.  The mainstream propaganda says they (the Muslims around the world) are attacking “our” embassies (not representative of we American nationals) and burning “our” flags (again not representative of our Constitution) and so we (young American nationals) should invade Iran.

The embassies the people of the Middle East are attacking no more contain members of a United States constitutional government than does the White House and Capitol in Washington DC.  These embassies with USA stamped on the outside of them are nothing more than militarized outposts through which US military might is applied on the indigenous peoples for the enforcement of international Zionist corporate policies.

In short, they are there to protect Zionist international corporate interests, which as witnessed in our own country, have nothing to do with the interests of we the American nationals.

The red, white, and blue flags we see burning on our televisions are not being burned as a representation of we the American nationals, but rather as what they truly are in the Middle East and that is a representation of the international Zionist corporate tyranny being inflicted on the peoples of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Indonesia.

If the people of the United States were to rise up, who would we be going after?  We are supposed to get upset at seeing a KFC restaurant burned in Lebanon.  How many home town restaurants in the United States have been put out of business by KFC’s international franchise?  Maybe we might attack one of these Home Depots or Wal-Marts that have been instrumental in destroying small businesses in the United States.

The people who are now part of the uprising in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Indonesia know who their real enemy is and who is stealing their natural resources through international thugary.

The international Zionist elite are trying to con we American nationals into attacking those who are trying to expel them from their countries.  This would be cutting our own throat as it is the international Zionist elite who are our common enemy.

We should support the peoples in any other country who are taking on our common enemy, the international elite as, in the end we are going to have to take them on ourselves.  These are the same international elite who have stolen $32 trillion from us and continue to steal our natural resources, hand over fist.  Our enemies’ enemies (the people throwing the Zionists out of their country) are our friends.

The Obama Administration will now try to use the lie of the 14 minute trailer as being the cause for the uprising to justify an executive order for a government takeover of our internet communications.  We must concentrate all of our efforts in defying this enemy advance and let them know we know who our enemy is and it is not the people in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Indonesia who are trying to kick the international Zionists out of their sovereign countries.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

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