Senin, 10 Desember 2012

The US and King Netanyahu’s War

by Rick Bronson

It is truly amazing to watch the Zionist industrial war complex moving the pieces into place as they prepare to go forward with their Middle East invasion.  US warships are off the Syrian coast.  Missile batteries have been put in place in Turkey and Jordon.  And the ultimate excuse of stopping the use of chemical weapons is pulsating through the mainstream like a shot of heroin in a junkie’s veins.
It was relatively quiet yesterday in the mainstream broadcasts, indicating final calculations are being made for the media blitz that is to accompany the invasion, of which the main component will be the cause, the excuse, the explanation as to why we had no other choice.  There will no doubt be many foul-ups in the false flag that is to be portrayed as a precursor.  This is why the excuse will have to be pushed so hard in order to cover up mistakes.

The question is will the Russians allow themselves to be neutered through the assertion of the boogie man armed with sarin gas and if so, just how far will they let the whole thing go before they realize they are in the middle of a blitzkrieg?   I would think that the Russians may be thinking there will be such outrages committed in the early episodes of the invasion as to nullify the boogie man and justify a Russian military response.  In fact, their own secret agents may be working toward this end as we speak.
Is this what it has come to, false flags to counter false flags?  And what is being missed in all this intrigue?  Oh, that’s right, millions of innocent men, women, and children who are to be slaughtered as a part of the great blood sacrifice to Zion.
Are we as Americans calling ourselves Christians going to stand by yet again as genocide is committed in our name?  Or will we take this as an opportunity for redemption in stopping this outrage right out the gate?  If so I guess it is better late than never, though I would suppose there are a million dead innocent Iraqis that would argue to the contrary.
This question has become a simple one.  Are we the American people going to allow ourselves to yet again be ordered to war by the foreign head of state, Benjamin Netanyahu?  And make no mistake, when the first US jet drops the first bomb on Syria, this is what will have happened.
Lord, give us the strength to defy King Netanyahu.

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