Selasa, 13 November 2012

Petraeus Worked For Israel?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Did General David Petraeus and Hilary Clinton organise the Benghazi fiasco, so as to help Romney?

Or, did Obama organise the Benghazi fiasco?

Victim of a CIA drone.

"An American hero like David Petraeus who served his country with distinction and honor deserved better than to leave his post in humiliation and ignominy..."

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach - Petraeus: Did a Great Man Have to Fall?

Paula Broadwell, Petraeus's lover, is the daughter of Paul Kranz. While at West Point she participated in a summer cadet exchange program in Israel.[7]

"Petraeus was a valued interlocutor for Israel's military and intelligence communities.
"As head of the U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for the Arab countries and Iran, he greatly increased contacts with the Israel Defense Forces...
"Petraeus also understood ... Israel's security needs... 

"His resignation from the CIA will thus be a loss for Israel..."
Petraeus' resignation will be a loss for Israel, too - Israel News ...

Shakira, 4, burned in a CIA drone strike in Pakistan. Website for this image

"Sen. Feinstein's first response to Gen. Petraeus' decision to step down, which was to criticize her fellow Democrat in the White House.

"'I wish President Obama had not accepted this resignation,' she said. 'I wanted him to continue. He was good, he loved the work, and he had a command of intelligence issues second to none.'

"If the speculation is true, Petraeus may not be the only high Obama administration official to pay the price for Benghazi.
"Our Washington sources predict that the US ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Elizabeth Rice, may lose the State Department she was promised after Hillary Clinton’s departure, in case she faced questions about the Libyan attack at the congressional hearings for her endorsement as secretary of state."

Jewish Indy - Was an affair just a pretext for Petraeus' resignation as ...
"David Petraeus, who has Jewish family roots, was called Zionism’s military poodle by professor James Petras in May 2008."

Victims of CIA drone attacks
"First it was AFRICOM commander General Carter F. Ham who was given early retirement. Ham's sphere of military authority extended to Benghazi.

"Then Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, who commanded the aircraft carrier attack task group in the Mediterranean near Benghazi, was recalled to Bremerton pending a Navy Inspector General investigation."

Petraeus Just Another Mystery Victim in the Benghazi Triangle ...

"Hilary Clinton 'has very fond childhood memories' of the second husband of her grandmother, Max Rosenberg, a Russian-born Jew".

Hillary Has Jewish Roots - CBS News
Benghazi - "Hillary Clinton could not have been more clearly warned of the danger unless she had been confronted with flashing red lights; yet she did nothing.

"Again, one wonders whether this represents mere incompetence, or whether some devious political agenda was at work."

Scandal Deepens With New Benghazi Documents: At a Minimum ...

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