Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Technocracy’s Endgame: Global Smart Grid

View From Montana

A PPJ Partnering Site

Agenda 21 – Global Smart Grid

There is a new world wide web emerging right before our eyes. It is a global energy net­work and, like the internet, it will change our cul­ture, society and how we do busi­ness. More impor­tantly, it will alter how we use, trans­form and exchange energy.” – home page


The dark horse of the New World Order is not Com­mu­nism, Socialism or Fas­cism: It is Technocracy.

The devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of Smart Grid tech­nology in the U.S. – reinventing the elec­trical grid with Wifi-enabled dig­ital power meters – is pro­ceeding at break­neck speed. Although Smart Grid is the result of years of gov­ern­ment plan­ning, the recent kickoff was made pos­sible through mas­sive “green” grants that were qui­etly included in Pres­i­dent Obama’s eco­nomic stim­ulus package starting in 2009.

These lucra­tive grants have drawn in a host of cor­po­rate players, from utility com­pa­nies to dig­ital meter man­u­fac­turers to con­trol soft­ware ven­dors. Global com­pa­nies like IBM, GE and Siemens are putting their full effort behind the “build-out” that will con­sol­i­date all of America into a single, inte­grated, communication-enabled elec­tric delivery and mon­i­toring system, col­lec­tively called Smart Grid.

Pro­po­nents of Smart Grid claim that it will empower the con­sumer to better manage his or her power con­sump­tion and hence, costs. The utility com­pa­nies will there­fore be more effi­cient in bal­ancing power loads and require­ments across diverse markets.

How­ever, like car­nival barkers, these Smart Grid hock­sters never reveal where or how Smart­Grid came into being, nor what the ulti­mate endgame aims to achieve; per­haps most of them have no idea either, but simply repeat the mantra as if they know what they are talking about.
In Smart­Grid: The Imple­men­ta­tion of Tech­noc­racy?, I revealed the back­ground of both Tech­noc­racy and Smart Grid, and most impor­tantly, the links between them. Smart Grid is born out of Tech­noc­racy and not the other way around.

Tech­noc­racy is a total­i­tarian system of gov­ern­ment where sci­en­tists, engi­neers and tech­ni­cians mon­itor and con­trol all facets of per­sonal and civic life – eco­nomic, social and polit­ical. Herein lies the real danger: Who are these unelected con­trollers and why should anyone believe that they would be benev­o­lent dic­ta­tors instead of tyrants? Amer­i­cans are a freedom-loving people who would cer­tainly reject Technocracy’s stealth takeover, if only they were aware of it. Indeed, Amer­i­cans did point­edly reject Tech­noc­racy in the 1930′s!

Thirty years ago, a researcher’s mantra was “Follow the money, follow the power.” This must now be restated: “Follow the energy, follow the power.”


In 1932, Tech­noc­racy, Inc. called for the destruc­tion of price-based eco­nomic sys­tems and the cre­ation of an energy-based accounting system that would mea­sure inputs and out­puts of human activity in terms of energy pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion and con­sump­tion. The require­ments for a suc­cessful system was co-authored by M. King Hub­bert, a young geo-physicist who later devel­oped “Hubbert’s Peak Oil Theory” that pro­vided intel­lec­tual backing for the modern envi­ron­mental or “green” movement.

Specif­i­cally, Hub­bert detailed the require­ments for a suc­cessful imple­men­ta­tion of Technocracy:
  1. Reg­ister on a con­tin­uous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net con­ver­sion of energy.
  2. By means of the reg­is­tra­tion of energy con­verted and con­sumed, make pos­sible a bal­anced load.
  3. Pro­vide a con­tin­uous inven­tory of all pro­duc­tion and consumption
  4. Pro­vide a spe­cific reg­is­tra­tion of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and ser­vices, where pro­duced and where used
  5. Pro­vide spe­cific reg­is­tra­tion of the con­sump­tion of each indi­vidual, plus a record and descrip­tion of the indi­vidual.” [Scott, Howard et al, Tech­noc­racy Study Source, p. 232]
Of course, the tech­nology to ful­fill these require­ments did not exist in 1932. How­ever, it is worth noting that Tech­noc­racy Inc.’s lead­er­ship was inti­mately familiar with the early work of Inter­na­tional Busi­ness Machine’s (IBM) com­puting tech­nology. They clearly envi­sioned a time in the future where the advance­ment of the tech­nology would meet the min­imum level nec­es­sary to imple­ment these requirements.

That day of advanced tech­nology has come and the project is now called Smart Grid. The endgame is to imple­ment a mod­ern­ized ver­sion of his­toric Tech­noc­racy on a national, con­ti­nental and global basis.

It is strongly rec­om­mended that the reader care­fully review Smart­Grid: The Imple­men­ta­tion of Tech­noc­racy andCarbon Cur­rency: A New Begin­ning for Tech­noc­racy? to gain a solid per­spec­tive on the his­tor­ical aspect of Technocracy.

Some would argue that it is mere coin­ci­dence that these require­ments are fully met with Smart Grid tech­nology. How­ever, the rea­sons for the exis­tence of Tech­noc­racy in the 1930′s are the same rea­sons given today: Energy effi­ciency, load bal­ancing, fair­ness, alle­vi­ating poverty and hunger, etc.

The feigned con­cern for those in poverty and hunger in the under­de­vel­oped nations is hollow. Tech­noc­racy is point­edly amoral in its prac­tice: The means (their sci­en­tific method/process) jus­ti­fies the end, what­ever the end might turn out to be.

Going Global

In addi­tion to the United States, Smart Grid is being imple­mented in both Canada and Mexico. Plan­ners are working on stan­dards that will inte­grate all of North America into a single, uni­fied Smart Grid system.

More­over, there is a serious ini­tia­tive underway to create a Global Smart Grid that will inte­grate all the con­ti­nents on the globe!

The Global Energy Net­work Insti­tute (GENI) presents this Dymaxion ™ Map of the world from the per­spec­tive of the North Pole that reveals the global grid cur­rently under con­struc­tion. The only part of planet earth left untouched is Antarc­tica. The yellow lines rep­re­sent high-voltage elec­trical trans­mis­sion links that are capable of trans­fer­ring large amounts of energy from con­ti­nent to continent.

The GENI project is gath­ering momentum and is endorsed by the Dalai Lama, Arch­bishop Desmond Tutu, Sen. James Jef­fords (I-VT) and Noel Brown (North Amer­ican Director, United Nations Envi­ron­mental Pro­gram), the United Nations and by the gov­ern­ments of Canada New Zealand, Switzer­land, and China, among others.

The nature of the global grid is revealed on the Ter­rawatts website:

There is a new world wide web emerging right before our eyes. It is a global energy net­work and, like the Internet, it will change our cul­ture, society and how we do busi­ness. More impor­tantly, it will alter how we use, trans­form and exchange energy.

There is no energy supply problem, there is an energy dis­tri­b­u­tion problem, and the emerging solu­tion is anew world wide web of elec­tricity.” (Color and emphasis in orig­inal text)

The con­cept of a Net­work of Things was pre­sented in “Smart Grid: The Imple­men­ta­tion of Tech­noc­racy?” As the tra­di­tional Internet con­nects people (e.g., Face­book, e-mail, videos, web sites), the Energy Web will con­nect inan­i­mate objects like ther­mostats, appli­ances, meters, sta­tion con­trollers, data col­lec­tion and con­trol com­puter sys­tems, etc. for the auto­matic bal­ancing of load con­sump­tion across the target power grid. Once com­puter pro­grams and algo­rithms are in place, such a grid will operate autonomously with min­imal human intervention.

Gen­esis of Global Smart Grid: R. Buck­min­ster Fuller

The GENI web­site credits the late R. Buck­min­ster Fuller (1895 – 1983) as the con­cep­tual father and designer of the global energy net­work. In his 1982 book, Crit­ical Path, Fuller wrote,
This world elec­tric grid, with its omni-integrated advan­tage, will deliver its elec­tric energy any­where, to anyone, at any one time, at one common rate. This will make a world-around uni­form costing and pricing system for all goods and ser­vices based real­is­ti­cally on the time-energy meta­bolic accounting system of Universe.

In this cos­mi­cally uni­form, common energy-value system for all humanity, costing will be expressed in kilowatt-hours, watt-hours and watt-seconds of work. Kilowatt-hours will become the prime cri­teria of costing the pro­duc­tion of the com­plex of meta­bolic involve­ments per each func­tion or item. These uni­form energy val­u­a­tions will replace all the world’s wildly inter-varying, opinion-gambled-upon, top-power-system-manipulatable mon­e­tary sys­tems. The time-energy world accounting system will do away with all the inequities now occur­ring in regard to the arbi­trarily maneu­ver­able inter­na­tional ship­ping of goods and top eco­nomic power structure’s banker-invented, inter­na­tional balance-of-trade account­ings. It will elim­i­nate all the tricky banking and securities-markets exploita­tions of all the around-the-world-time-zone activ­i­ties dif­fer­ences in oper­a­tion today, all unbe­knownst to the at-all-times two bil­lion humans who are sleeping.”
If this sounds familiar, it should: It is an unvar­nished re-hash of 1930′s-style Tech­noc­racy, except on a global, versus con­ti­nental, scale. Elec­tricity is deliv­ered equally to all, and the the price-based eco­nomic system is replaced by a “time-energy world accounting system” based on kilowatt-hours, watt-hours and watt-seconds.

There is no evi­dence that such a system will ever work, but that hasn’t stopped global groups from rushing head­long into this global ini­tia­tive. Take, for instance, the World Eco­nomic Forum…

World Eco­nomic Forum and Cli­mate Change

If a skeptic were to ques­tion the seri­ous­ness of orga­ni­za­tions like Ter­rawatts and GENI, they should con­sider that the elitist World Eco­nomic Forum (WEF) has thrown its col­lec­tive weight behind the ini­tia­tive. It has man­aged to link the advance­ment of Smart Grid to the reduc­tion of carbon emis­sions, thus promising a tan­gible way to fight global warming.

Founded in 1971, the WEF meets annu­ally in Davos, Switzer­land. Atten­dees are mostly the “who’s who” of the global elite.

The WEF pre­sented a major progress report in Jan­uary 2011 titled, “Energy Industry Part­ner­ship Pro­gramme:

Accel­er­ating Suc­cessful Smart Grid Pilots, a World Eco­nomic Forum report devel­oped with Accen­ture and industry experts, sets out the cen­trality of smart grids as key enablers for a low-carbon economy and in response to increas­ingly growing energy demands. Over 60 industry, policy and reg­u­la­tory stake­holders were engaged in the Accel­er­ating Suc­cessful Smart Grid Pilots report, to iden­tify the fac­tors that deter­mine the suc­cess, or oth­er­wise, of smart grid pilots… There is an oppor­tu­nity to launch the next wave of devel­op­ment towards a lower carbon energy system, and suc­cessful smart grid pilots will be a key step in this process.” [emphasis added]

Mark Spelman, Global Head of Strategy at Accen­ture, par­tic­i­pated in the WEF’s Smart Grid Work­shop in 2010. When asked the ques­tion, “What value can Smart Grid add in the next 30 years?”, Spelman replied, “Smart Grids are absolutely fun­da­mental if we are going to achieve some of our cli­mate change objec­tives. Smart Grids are the glue, they are the energy internet of the future and they are the cen­tral com­po­nent which is going to bring demand and supply together.
Spelman may not call him­self a Tech­no­crat, but he cer­tainly uses the lan­guage of Tech­noc­racy like a pro.

The IEEE Stan­dards Association

The global energy net­work, or Smart Grid, will operate according to uni­ver­sally accepted engi­neering stan­dards that make data and energy flows com­pat­ible with each other. Who will supply such stan­dards? The ven­er­able Insti­tute of Elec­trical and Elec­tronics Engi­neers, or IEEE

The IEEE claims that it is “the world’s largest pro­fes­sional asso­ci­a­tion ded­i­cated to advancing tech­no­log­ical inno­va­tion and excel­lence for the ben­efit of humanity.” Founded in 1884, it has been involved with elec­tricity stan­dards and devel­op­ment since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Today, how­ever, the IEEE is mas­sively global, with 395,000 mem­bers in 160 coun­tries and it sup­ports approx­i­mately 900 active stan­dards in var­ious fields of engi­neering and electronics.

As it states on its Smart Grid web­site, the IEEE has staked its claim, in clear lan­guage, on the global energy initiative:

There’s no global orga­ni­za­tion to oversee all nations’ energy sys­tems trans­for­ma­tions’ it is a vast move­ment and it’s in its infancy. With our 38 soci­eties and seven coun­cils IEEE is posi­tioned to lead the smart grid ini­tia­tive. Through them and our 395,000 mem­bers, who work in the world’s aca­d­emic, gov­ern­ment and pri­vate sec­tors, IEEE touches vir­tu­ally every aspect of the smart grid.
We leverage our strong foun­da­tion and inclu­sive col­lab­o­ra­tion to evolve stan­dards, share best prac­tices, pub­lish devel­op­ments and pro­vide related edu­ca­tional offer­ings to fur­ther the smart grid. We are at the fore­front of advancing tech­nology and facil­i­tating suc­cessful deploy­ments throughout the world. Working hand in hand with other leading orga­ni­za­tions to create one set of stan­dards for the smart grid is the way we can ensure suc­cess.”

IEEE’s bravado is not unwar­ranted: It truly is the only global orga­ni­za­tion capable of such a mon­u­mental task. When given the chal­lenge to unify the global energy net­work, 395,000 engi­neers should be enough to com­plete the mission!

The IEEE Stu­dent Branch at Northern Illi­nois Uni­ver­sity notes in their About Page, “IEEE has man­aged to bring tech­nocrats from all over the world on a single plat­form.” Indeed.


Tech­noc­racy is a col­lec­tivist, utopian political-economic system run by engi­neers, sci­en­tists and tech­ni­cians. It has the poten­tial to be far more oppres­sive and con­trol­ling than Com­mu­nism, Socialism or Fas­cism. Without Smart Grid, we are assured that there will be no rule of Technocracy.

Much more needs to be said, but this report seeks to high­light the following:
  1. Tech­noc­racy, Inc. was the birth place of the energy-based economic-political model seen behind national, regional, con­ti­nental and global Smart Grid initiatives
  2. R. Buck­min­ster Fuller, a Tech­no­crat at heart, pio­neered the design for a Global energy net­work that is now referred to as “the new World Wide Web of Electricity”
  3. All of Tech­noc­racy, Inc.’s orig­inal require­ments for an energy-based system are process of being met
  4. Global orga­ni­za­tions like the World Eco­nomic Forum and the IEEE Stan­dards Orga­ni­za­tion are fully backing and enabling the global Smart Grid
  5. The global Smart Grid and global warming move­ments are interdependent
It is not clear who will oversee any or all facets of the global Smart Grid. The implied sug­ges­tion is that it will be the same engi­neers and global cor­po­ra­tions that are cur­rently devel­oping it. There is no sug­ges­tion any­where in lit­er­a­ture that there is a plan for a hand-off of the resulting system to a polit­ical struc­ture that serves the people.

The neg­a­tive aspects of Smart Grid are seldom men­tioned. Take cyber-security, for instance. Pic­ture a tech-savvy crim­inal who breaks into your energy pro­file data by hacking the com­puters at your local sub­sta­tion: Based on your power usage, he knows when you are home and when you are not home, when you are awake and when you are asleep, whether you have a secu­rity system turned on or off, etc. Armed with such infor­ma­tion, your pos­ses­sions and per­sonal safety would be at his disposal.

With the global groundswell of activity to create the global Smart Grid, it is doubtful that the ini­tia­tive can be stopped, espe­cially since it is so closely inter­twined with the global warming move­ment and hence, Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment and even the United Nation’s Agenda 21 program.

In the United States, Smart Grid is esca­lating without any leg­isla­tive over­sight or involve­ment; in other words, it is being imple­mented exclu­sively by Exec­u­tive Branch fiat. The same is true in other countries.

The orig­inal Tech­noc­racy, Inc. was suc­cessful for a season due in part to the bone-crushing pres­sure of the Great Depres­sion. The Great Depres­sion II cur­rently underway will almost cer­tainly sponsor renewed cat-calls that “Cap­i­talism is dead” and pleas for a new system to replace it. The only system waiting in the wings, so to speak, is Tech­noc­racy, and its enabling infra­struc­ture is the new World Wide Web of Energy. Global Smart Grid – The View From Montana

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